Stick figures are always appropriate and anything with a heart in it reminds me of grammar school Valentine's Day Projects.
Remember playing post office in grammar school and creating those awesome valentines with spongy folded paper arms and legs attached to hearts? They always looked so cute. My favorite ones were made with paper heart doilies and silver glitter. My first grade teacher always gave us suckers to include with the valentines when we put them in our Post Office.
So, if you're still looking for a spiffy cool Valentine's Tote Bag, or maybe you just want a Tote Bag that says how much you love your little Angel, this is definitely the bag for you.
I see this blog going places, neet idea for a blog. you should connect with bloggers who knit or crochet their own handbags there's a lot of them out there. my grandmother once made a purse from the seat of a pair of jeans and left the pockets attached.