Are you a tote bag mommy?
When I first realized I was a tote bag mommy, I nearly passed out. I had bags for every purpose under the sun and they were scattered EVERYWHERE! Seriously, there were bags on th dresser, bags on the floor, bags on the bed, bags on the washer, bags on the kids dressers, and worst of all, BAGS on my desk.
Then when I realized I was grabbing particular bags for particular purposes, the lights came on and I realized that my organizational style was Tote Bag. Ahem... I'm a Tote Bag Mom. But, my tote bags were getting out of hand. I needed to organize my tote bags.
Tote bags were taking over my life.

Tote Bags offered the solution, and hooks solved my problem of storing totebags. So, you'd probably think I had no more problems, right... Of course, that was before I had grandchildren. One grandchild, whom you care for often can create a lot of issues over storage and 'what-have-you' kinds of issues - although as a grandparent I'd NEVER call these problems.
So, once
again I turned to my trusty totes to find the solution and there it was, waiting for me, right there in the midst of my bags... The Grandma Tote!

The design must be just right, and I had to have the perfect cover... Not difficult, since I take millions of pictures of my little ANGEL.
I had the perfect idea. Angel totes, with my granddaughter on the front of the totes was a perfect example of the solution. And then, I'd never have to top and dig out my wallet - but, that's what Grandma's do. So, I compromised.
I found a bag that advertized my Granchildren without showing off their pictures. Now, I still get to share the fact that I'm a Grandma, but I get the pleasure of pulling out the photo book and showing off my grandchildren while proudly displaying the fact that I am a grandma. And everybody knows how much they love me!
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