Jan's News & Updates

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sophist-a-Wrap --- The New CarryAll

Looking for a great way to carry your little bundle of joy? Try a Sophist-a-Wrap, complete with designer buckles. These easy on, easy to carry wraps keep your baby cozy and close to Mom while you work or play. Many mom's strap on their babies while they shop, while they clean house or while they work.

This mom carries her bundle to business meetings wrapped up snug against Mommy's chest, sleeping like a... uh... baby.

He's so cozy in his comfortable spot that he rarely makes a peep. Folks comment on how well behaved he is, and how quiet he is, tucked inside mommy's Sophist-a-Wrap.

The Sophist-a-Wrap gives new meaning to Baby Bump, with its high-end buckle and designer label fabric. Every mom will want a carrier such as this to keep her bundle of joy cozy and calm.

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